Monday, December 30, 2013


Hello EVERYONE! I'm very very very happy to tell you that I am have been reassigned! I will be serving in the Oklahoma, Oklahoma City mission until I receive my visa! I'M SO EXCITED! AHHHHHHHH!! I will be flying into Texas and then from there driving to my mission. I'm so excited, and I love you all! I'll reply to emails tomorrow on my P-Day! TE AMO!

For those of you that don't know, even though Sofie was assigned to head to Rio de Janerio once she left the MTC, she needs a visa first, and visas take months. So the church temporarily assigns her to a different mission while she awaits her visa. In this case, she was assigned to practice her skills in Oklahoma. (This email is from September 30th)

P.S. If anyone wants to email me pictures and/or tell me about the outside world, that'd be great! You know, like what's going on in the news and stuff. It's amazing how cut off you get from the happenings of the rest of the world. Also if there's anything cool happening where you are (Corvallis or otherwise) that'd be cool too! I like having interesting things to read.

Yep. Really do love you, I do.
Okay bye. :)

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