Monday- Good day! After emailing, we ate lunch and went to play flickerball at the church. It was really fun! I've found that I'm really good at catching the ball, but throwing it into the net.. Not so much. It's okay. Time, practice and patience and all that! That night we had dinner with the Thacker's. THEY ARE HILARIOUS. Also confusing. So Sister Thacker is a member, but her husband belongs to the Church of Christ. He comes to our church every week but his heart is pretty hard against accepting the gospel. It's all well and good though, and he's a hilarious guy. He's a self-proclaimed "Angry Old Hick" and he will do anything he can to change the subject AWAY from the Book of Mormon. He sure makes me laugh. We got him to agree to allow us to stop by and read the scriptures with him, so we'll be doing that pretty often. :)
Tuesday- Rough day. I was still sick so I got a blessing. Which was much needed. I thought it was really cool that in the blessing there were things mentioned that I hadn't even said out loud, subjects were addressed that weren't told to anyone. The Priesthood is real, y'all! It's so cool, and I am so grateful for it. I had to call the mission health advisor and he told me I could only drink gatorade for the day and that I was not allowed to go out for a couple days. :( That bummed me out. Nothing makes you want to work as hard as you can more than being locked in for 2 days. :/ But my day was cheered up when I got mail from Sister Carlson! MAN! I was so grateful for that mail! Heaven knows I needed it. :)
Wednesday- Another sick day. Since we weren't allowed to leave, we did a lot of study, discussed every investigator and potential investigator we have, mapped out part of our area (it's HUGE) and I took a really long nap. I got 3 pieces of mail that day! SO HAPPY! Two from Biana (THE BEST) and 1 from Matthew (ALSO THE BEST) It was so great to get mail and I felt so happy. :) I am so grateful for y'all! Anyway, I gave my companions corn rows that day. It all started because Sister Clark asked me to teach her to french braid. So I showed her real quick and that was that. Well we'd already done our planning for the night. Somehow, in french braiding Sister Clark's hair, I decided I'd quickly give her corn rows. Her hair is pretty short so they kind of fell apart a little bit, but low and behold, she looked like she just got out of jail. Or like the creepy doll that belongs to Angelica in Rugrats. Sister Leavitt was so excited that I gave Sister Clark corn rows that she asked me to do corn rows up the side of her head and put her hair into little ponytails, so I did. Unfortunately I don't have a good picture of it, but she essentially looked like a wild steed.
Thursday- We did weekly planning and all of the other stuff that we had to get done, and then we had a REALLY early curfew because of Halloween, so we went out a little bit on our bikes, but couldn't even make it to our area (we live six miles away from it) before we had to turn back or else we'd be out past our curfew. We got back and the Tuckers (bless their hearts) brought us dinner. We ate dinner, did some study, and then my companions wanted to dress up. Sister Leavitt dressed up like "Miranda Sings" (some youtube celeb) and Sister Clark dressed up like a little fox. They have decided that my spirit animal is a lioness (I don't know how accurate that is) so they dressed me up like one. I just look like a gigantic creepy cat. They even ratted my hair. It was pretty bad. I had to condition it 4 times. We cleaned our apartment and retired to bed.
Friday- EXCHANGES! But before that, District Meeting. It was so funny. Our district leader decided that we needed to do a district inventory because a couple of companionships were having some issues, so we all went around and for every person we told them one thing we thought they could improve on (if we could think of anything) and one thing that we liked about them. Everyone told me to stop saying "Holy cats". Haha. So I'm working on that. It was good. After that, we had EXCHANGES! Sister Leavitt and I were with Sister Pfister (yep, her name rhymes) and Sister Clark went with Sister Main. We went down to Noble and got right to work. We went and met this woman, Mandy- HILARIOUS. They had this FAT ferret named Havoc and it was the chillest ferret I have ever seen. It was getting swung around and smothered by her two year old and the ferret was just like, "whatevs. I'm a ferret." and it was fantastic. After that, we went and helped Brother Jackson paint his porch. He also needed his lawn mowed, so I did that. It was great! Funny thing- the grass cover was broken so it didn't cover much, so I got pelted in the ankles with acorns. We also helped demolish an old roof and that was really fun. We had dinner with Sister Pam. She's a really funny recently-single lady who cracks me up like none other. That night we went and visited the Comber family. Oh man, words cannot describe. So they just got married a couple years ago. Brother Comber has a really rough past (motorcycle gangs, drugs, all that) and he turned his life COMPLETELY around and joined the church and married Sister Comber, and they are now trying to adopt 5 kids at once, all brothers and sisters. They are a solid family. Brother Comber is one of the most missionary-minded people I have ever met. Also their 5 year old daughter is the sweetest. We asked her how she felt when she prayed and she said, "I just, I just feel so good. My parents are the nicest people ever, they are nice to everyone, and I love them because they are so nice and wonderful. I also love you. You missionaries are my best friends. And I love Heavenly Father. When I talk to Him, my heart feels all sparkly." I'd describe her as precious, but that's an understatement. I love the Comber family.
Saturday- Went back to Norman and helped some women clean out the garage of their recently-passed mother. That was really sad and you could tell they were having a rough time. But I am so grateful they asked us to help. After that I met with President Walkenhorst and that was really good. He's a great man and he knows exactly what he's talking about. He's full of the spirit and you can feel it. He actually reminds me a lot of my mom (weird? yeah probably) because they have very similar personalities and senses of humor. After exchange reports and all that, we went back to the apartment, and Sister Leavitt wasn't feeling well, so she took a nap and I decided to do some language study. That went well! We had dinner that night with the Mortensen's. They're a really great family who adopted all of their kids from different places. While we were leaving, Elder Mierau accidentally let a bird into the house, so the dog, Sister Mortensen, the Elders and I tried to get it back out of the house, while my companions ran and hid. It was really funny. We tried to visit a couple other people and no one was home, so we went home and planned for our lesson the next day.
Sunday- No one reminded us that it was daylight savings, and we all forgot, so we woke up an hour early! Hahaha. It was funny. We got an extra hour of studies in. I read this talk called "The 4th Missionary" (SO GOOD) and one thing that I REALLY liked in there was "He will create of you a masterpiece. You will create of you only a smudge. You will make of you a man. He will make of you a god." I LOVE THAT. So good. We went to church. Taught a lesson on Eternal Marriage. Sat in on Young Women's. It was a weird church day. After church we taught the Jingozians. It was really good! We went and knocked a couple doors, prayed with a really nice Methodist preacher named Donna, and went to dinner at the Hannah's. Sister Hannah made my dad's garlic mashed potatoes! She is so sweet. She calls the parents of missionaries and gets their favorite recipes then makes them. So nice! I got to play a guitar for the first time since I was in Oregon (so happy) and we went to our Ward Pie Social. It was a get-to-know-you night and we played bingo! It was really fun. It helped us to get to know the ward better and it was great fun. Sister Zimmerman (the hilarious woman who reminds me of Biana) gave us 5 pies. We tried to deny them. We really, really did. But she didn't care. We brought one to the Jingozians along with some flowers and went back home, planned, went to bed. My companions both talk in their sleep. So sometimes they say funny things. And I'm a light sleeper, so I almost always hear what they say. Once Sister Clark said, "You know, you're really good at that. You should teach a class!" and then Sister Leavitt teaches lessons in her sleep. Last night, however, Sister Leavitt said, "I'm so sorry that our bikes are bigger for our moms than for our daughters." I have no idea what that means.
Alright well I usually try to end my emails with something really spiritual, so this time, I want you all to go to Moroni 8:3, and know that I am doing that for you. I truly am.
I love you all!
Be safe, be strong, be good, be glad.
The world is a beautiful place. :)
Moroni 8:3 - I am mindful of you always in my prayers, continually praying unto God the Father in the name of his Holy Child, Jesus, that he, through his infinite goodness and grace, will keep you through the endurance of faith on his name to the end.
Email dated November 4th
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