Hello all! This is going to be a brief..ish email, I'm on a pretty tight time crunch. BUT! Here goes.
First off- I have some news. I am permanently reassigned to Oklahoma! Yeahhhhh! :D I love this place and I'm so excited to spend the next year serving the people here! What a wonderful place! :)
Alright now- onto the week.
Monday- P-day. I love P-day. Specifically, I love p-day sports. We played scatterball again and it was so fun. Everyone always seems to begrudgingly play until we get into it, then EVERYONE loves it. For dinner we had dinner with the Zimmermans. It was so good. I love them so much. They're so nerdy and Sister Zimmerman is one of my 2 "best friends" in the ward. I love it. She's so down to earth and she's a total tomboy and likes all the same things I like (cars, video games, playing musical instruments) and she grew up in a po-dunk town just like Philomath! We're two peas in a pod.
Tuesday- Sis. Zim took us out to the middle of nowhere in our area (our area.. it's massive) and we checked on some folks. After that she took us to lunch at this great place called Inter Urban. I loved it. We went and checked on some folks and then we had dinner with the Tuckers. I love them!
Wednesday- This was the day that I found out I am officially permanently reassigned. It was a crazy day. We had a great lesson with Alan. He's hilarious. He's a trustee at his Presbyterian church but he totally believes in our church, so now we're just trying to help him make the transition. He's awesome. We had dinner with the Walsers.. and they had the cutest puppies I'd ever seen. A brown poodle AND a Pomeranian. I got all kinds of lovin's from them. We also met a corgi named Tater. So that's going to be the name of my future corgi.
Thursday- WE HAD LUNCH WITH DESIRAE. We hadn't seen her in SO long because of crazy things and she took us out to lunch and I MISSED HER. I love her so incredibly much. We found out that she's going to be baptized, she's planning on and excited for it. I'm SO incredibly proud of her.
After lunch we went and checked on a bunch of people and then had dinner AGAIN with the Tuckers. They're awesome. After that, Sister Tucker came out with us (for her first time ever) and she was a pro. We met this guy who is the brother of a potential investigator and he was way cool. He just got out of jail and he's way level headed. It was awesome.
Friday- District meeting, district lunch at Raising Cane's, and then we had to weekly plan because the way the day was before that, we had to move it. Sister Barlow came down for the weekend again. We had dinner with the Zimmermans again (we have some amazing people in our ward) and then we went and checked on a bunch of people and knocked a ton of doors. I loooooooooove tracting. :)
Saturday- Correlation, studies, lunch, and then we went and met with Alan again. They have a rooster living in their house and it is the craziest thing I've ever seen. I think it's house trained.. Weird. We had dinner with the Reynolds and I loved it. Sister Reynolds is one of my other "best friends" in this ward. I love her. And Brother Reynolds is way cool. They're super nerdy and hilarious and chill. It's awesome.
Sunday- Church was amazing. I can't even begin to describe how much I love this ward. I'm gonna be sad when I get transferred. A lady in our ward walked up to me and gave me this biiiiiiiiiiiig bright pink and black cardigan. She said "We're afraid you're not equipped for an Okie winter". Hahaha, the people in this ward. After church we went to dinner at the Davis's. Their dogs were alllllllllllll over me and it was happy. They have a corgi that looks like a midget German Shepherd. It's adorable. After dinner we had a lesson with Alicia. She's a sister in our ward who's a recent convert. She has autism and is one of the sweetest people ever. It was a great lesson.
Alright, well, I wanted to end this by saying that the Lord truly works in mysterious ways. This whole process of being reassigned has really shown me how mindful the Lord is of us. I have made some major steps in self improvement and learning my spiritual potential this week, and I owe it all to this experience of being reassigned. :) I love God! He's the MAN. Seriously.
Alright well, that's all for this week. Love you all a ton. :)
Sister Sofia Larson
Oklahoma, Oklahoma City
Email dated January 20, 2014
Sister Sofia Larson
Oklahoma, Oklahoma City
Email dated January 20, 2014
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